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Glass Shades

It's such a shame when the glass for the lamp gets a shard or when nut swings the frying pan up into the nice cobbler screen above the kitchen table. Fortunately, there is help, because Nauticum has many glass shades for indoor lamps - both the new and the old.

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Some of the screens are beautiful mouth blown and therefore may have a higher price than others. Note that most glass screens often have air bubbles, and this is therefore a sign that the glass is not pressed but mouth-blown.

Here you will find several glass shades that fit your cobbler's suspension, so if you think the cobbler's glass should be changed to something else or you have a small table lamp where a narrower glass fits better, then you can find other glasses here.

You can also find a new glass for your bench lamp, should the accident happen, or if you just need a new colored glass shade.

Nauticum also has a few other glass screens, so look through the selection.